Following the ‘we-network’ meeting on the 6th to celebrate their first birthday bash, we suggested having guest bloggers as a great way to add fresh content to your own blog. Bridgette as quick as a flash asked me to do a guest blog for her and what better subject to write it on than blogging itself.
I believe that out of all the ‘social media’ frameworks that you can use the most important one is to have a blog… what is a blog ? I hear you cry, well a blog is an additional CMS (content management system) i.e. WordPress that your web host or indeed I can add to your site, this is a really important point, it MUST be on your actual site, there are lots of free blogging platforms out there blogger and wordpress.com which is not to be confused with wordpress.org which is the one you need. These are great for folks who simply have a hobby or share their personal world, you may ask why does it have to be linked to my site? The answer being that the whole reason to have a blog is to lure people to your site, if you use one of the free ones the hits are going to blogger or tumblr or whoever it might be, it’s like when you upload a Youtube video, you must make sure that when you share the video you have embedded it into your blog and that is the link you share not the link to YouTube, they get quite enough hits as it is thank you very much.
So what to blog about ? well with Bridgette for instance there is a wealth of information, lots of people have their own perceptions of hypnosis and have the fear that they will end up dancing like a chicken or it will change them in some way, so Bridgette could get across the fact that you are conscious the whole time and fully aware.
The main cusp of the blog is a way you become the expert in your field, you must NEVER sell using your blog as soon as people see any kind of sales they will be off.
The ideas for content are:
Frequently asked questions, take one at a time and write a blog about it
Compare products that you use, pro’s and con’s
Guest Blogs
The best way to…
What’s trending ?, is there a subject that is trending that you could write about
The Google keyword tool is a great resource to help with blog titles, you can watch my video here about how to use it. http://www.lucyswebdesigns.co.uk/video-how-tos
Finally here are the top plugins to add to your blog
•Social Media Widget
•Facebook Like Box – or text
•Digg Digg
•Tweet Old Posts
•Pinterest Pinboard Widget
Have fun out there blogging and be sure to share your links here once you have completed them, we look forward to reading them.
Written by Lucy Hall of Lucy’s Web Designs
Lucy Hall