What is HypnoBirthing and is it suitable for me?
If you’re pregnant, and looking for an alternative to the over-medicalised, pain-is-inevitable, “gimme all the drugs” mindset, then HypnoBirthing, hypnosis for birth is for you.
HypnoBirthing is suitable for first time mums and mums who’ve had kids before.
HypnoBirthing is a complete birth education programme / antenatal class, that teaches simple but specific self hypnosis, deep relaxation and breathing techniques to allow the body to work easily without being impeded by tension.
HypnoBirthing teaches women how to release fear and replace it with calm, positive belief.
HypnoBirthing helps birthing women to enter a wonderful, primal state using your own natural birthing instincts where time is distorted and she is in harmony with her baby and her body.
Just imagine welcoming each surge! Feeling peaceful… relaxing… and even smiling as your baby comes closer to you!
In short, HypnoBirthing allows you to experience birth in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear and tension that prevents the birthing muscles of your body from functioning as nature intended them to.
Still not convinced HypnoBirthing works?
Watch this Hypnobirth in action and see for yourself. Or call me on 07932 084 321 for more information
Remember – the aim of HypnoBirthing is not a completely pain-free and picture-perfect ‘natural’ birth (although that is possible). It is to have a calmer, easier, more comfortable birth- where you are in control – and in a way that most mirrors nature. It helps you to have YOUR perfect birth – whatever that may mean to you.
HypnoBirthnig is not against medical intervention, it just steers away from unnecessary intervention placing the pregnant mother and partner in control and playing an active part in the birthing process
It seems a simple concept… …because it is.